Conducting trainings

Knowledge and skills are not taken out of nowhere. Very often, their possession essentially transforms a person and lifts him or her up on the professional ladder It is important to remember that certain knowledge can also be the point of attachment to those from whom you are dependent and in need of a partnership.

In that regard, we could not ignore the need for various trainings and seminars. We clearly define the target audience of these projects:

  • Representatives of business units (GR and Market Access managers, marketing managers, top executives)
  • Representatives of state regulation of the health care system (market administrators)
  • Representatives of investment institutions (analysts, consultants, etc.)

We are glad to share with you the topics of already implemented training programs. You can request more detailed training program information by writing us:

  • Market Access Negotiations (1-3 days)
  • Organization of state procurement (1 day)
  • Methods of marketing research (1 day)
  • Market forecasting (0.5 days)
  • Immersion into the Russian health care system (1-2 days)
  • Market access technologies(1-2 days)
  • Stake-holders mapping – industry key players (1-2 days)
  • Methods of drug pricing (1-2 days)
  • Methods and approaches in the organization of drug supply (1-2 days)
  • Basics of health care economics and pharmacoeconomics (1-7 days)

And that’s not all. We can prepare a training specifically for your company; contact us to discuss the details.